Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hello teacher-blog world!

Hello friends! I'm excited to be entering the blogging world! I am starting this blog as an outlet for my teaching excitement and stressors. I've always used other people as an outlet, to get out my stories (both good and bad). To introduce myself, I'm a first-year teacher who graduated in May! I feel very lucky to have gotten a job my first year out of college, especially in the district I'm in, but it didn't come without its fair struggles! But I'll save that for my next blog post...stay tuned!

So here goes my Q&A, so you can get to know me a little better!

Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?
A: I have always dreamed of being a wedding planner! I want to be with people on the happiest day of their life. There's nothing I love more than a good love story...EXCEPT helping kiddos. So that led me to teaching, which is my passion. Now I just attend weddings and stalk wedding blogs, and that fills my need!

Q: What are your hobbies?
A:  I love cooking and baking! My pinterest boards are FILLED to the brim with recipes that I've tried, or recipes I'd like to try. Also, when not up to my eyeballs in grading, planning, or creating (which rarely happens) I enjoy reading! I love everything from biographies to young adult books (so I can make good recommendations) to the romance novels and mysteries.

Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  When I was growing up, I told my mom I'd be a teacher during the school year, and a vet over the summers. A small part of me still wishes that was possible! I love helping dogs, so I plan on fostering when I have my own place. I'm currently the mom of one rescue dog, and my mom has one rescue, and one other dog (who is my rescue's brother...small world)!

Q: What are your guilty pleasures?
A: Pinterest! I tell myself all the time that I'm going to sit down on pinterest for two minutes. Two hours later, I'm finally done! I pin everything from quotes, to teaching tools, to gift ideas, to planning parties, to new outfits, and everything in between. I spend the most time planning new foods to try. If you have any ideas, or recipes you've tried and liked, I'd love to hear it! I also have an addiction to Starbucks Coffee. My kiddos all found out pretty quickly that coffee lets me think...without it, I do some silly things! My third "addiction" if you will, is chevron. It's all over my classroom, and I am just obsessed. I'm sure you've already noticed it on my blog, and this is only the first post!

Q: What is your biggest fear?!
A: My biggest fear is drunk drivers. I'm one of the most cautious drivers I know. I always think it's important to drive safely, because the lives of everyone else around you depends on it. However, nothing can save you from a drunk driver. Crazy stuff happens around them! It's not like they have a blinking light above their car that tells you their you just can never be prepared! I'm afraid to be in an accident with one of them, because they always seem so life-threatening. I'm also afraid of someone I love being in an accident with them.

Q: When you’re on vacation, where do you like to go?
A: Vacation? What is that? I haven't been on a real vacation in a long time, but I'd love to go to the Finger Lakes, Thousand Islands, or Niagara Falls! Of course, I also love the beach, and have always dreamed of going to a tropical island somewhere!

Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: Everything happens for a reason! As long as I can remember, my mom has drilled that into me. Of course, every time something happens that makes me think my life is over, she says it to me. I ALWAYS disagree, and tell her there's no reason I should be going through with what I am. Whether it had been boys breaking my heart, "friends" being bad friends, family problems, death of a loved one, or what have you. You name it, I've experienced it. When I look back on my life though, everything did happen for a reason. I'm where I am-and who I am-today because of each and every one of those experiences. Now I know when a curveball is thrown, it's happening for a reason. I might not know what the reason is right away, but one day I'll look back and understand.

Q: What do you value most in others?
A:  Manners. I'll just leave it at that.

Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass down to your kids, what would it be?
A: Be kind to everyone you meet. It might frustrate you sometimes, and it might be hard, but others will notice and appreciate it.

Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world….living or dead…who would it be?
A: I would want to have lunch with one of my college professors, because she had such a big impact on me, and I'd love to personally thank her for changing my life and making me the teacher I am today. *Shout-out to Dr. go girl!*

Q: Now tell us one random thing about yourself:
A: I have always had a love for writing, so that's why I started this blog. Let's face'll probably be one of the things I try out for a little while, and then move on to something else. But I have my whole heart into this right now, so any encouragement to keep going would be greatly appreciated!

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