Friday, December 11, 2015

How did I get where I am?

So I've had a lot of questions since I started teaching at my school, about how I got there. I live over an hour away from my school, and commute there and back (through traffic) everyday. They always say... "you must LOVE what you do to drive that far everyday." I do. Amid the craziness and chaos of this classroom, I still love it!

Basically, as a senior in college, I was a MAJOR ball of stress! When I was student teaching, I just loved it so much. I felt like I wanted to be a professional student teacher. Granted, I was excited for my own classroom, but having someone there as back-up was a relief sometimes. I student taught in the fall, so by mid-december, I was basically finished with college. I had 3 classes my final semester (one being aerobics) so I had a lot of free time. Free time for me means stress time! The day I got back from winter vacation I began looking for jobs for the fall. I know...overkill? Looking back, yes. There are better things I could have spent my time on, but maybe I wouldn't be where I am today if I wasn't that crazy stressful person!

So, I applied online for my current district in March (I'm told that's really early for jobs to be posted, but I checked every district within a 2-county radius of my home). I heard back from them VERY quickly, and had my first interview by the end of April. They told me they only do second round interviews mid-July to early August. If I didn't hear back from them, it would probably be the end of it. So, as the end of college and all of summer rolled by, I had about 50 total interviews. I did lesson demonstrations, and countless times was down to the last 2 people. Every single time, I didn't win out. I taught my heart out, but they other person always did better, or had some way of getting the job. Then, I got a call from an administrator at this district! They had some last-minute retirements, and 3 new jobs opened up. I was qualified for ALL of them, and they wanted to interview me the next day! So I went the following day for an interview.

After about a week, I didn't hear from them, so I basically gave up. I was at work on a Friday, and got a call from my current principal, Mr. B. He got my name from the other administrators I interviewed with, for an opening he had. The opening was for a computer teacher who decided she was retiring VERY last minute. It was full-time, salaried, with benefits. So I thought...why not at least interview. What's the worst that could happen? So the following Monday, I went for my interview. My car at the time didn't have air conditioning, so I showed up sweaty, with sweat-lines on my dress, my hair frizzy, and overall frazzled. I thought that was a bad omen, but turns I'd find out later on, I was wrong!

I was told I'd hear back from them the following day (which was their first induction day for new teachers) or Wednesday. I didn't, so I lost all hope again. Finally, on Wednesday around 3pm, I got a call from Mr. B, who said "We'd like to offer you a job. We can't tell you what yet, but don't accept anywhere else, because we really want you!" Me? You want ME to teach computer? Something I've NEVER even considered teaching before?

I don't think I showered or left my phone after that call, not knowing when he'd call back. FINALLY, on Friday, I got the best call of my entire life. "One of our fourth grade teachers decided to become the computer teacher, so we'd like to offer you a fourth grade teaching position." My heart started beating SO fast! That was my DREAM grade to teach. That was the grade I student taught in, and many of my field placements in college were in a 4th grade classroom. I couldn't have been more excited! I did get nervous that I only had 2 days to prepare an entire classroom AND be ready to teach Monday. However, I have the most AMAZING coworkers. They all helped me SO much in getting ready, by putting my names in all my books, organizing my shelves, etc. My mom and boyfriend were the best help, by creating my bulletin boards for me. I don't even remember doing ANYTHING those 2 days...I think I was just floating on clouds and soaking in the fact that I was a teacher, and THIS was my classroom.

It was a LONG, and very difficult journey. I couldn't have done it without the support I received, especially after all of the interviews and denials I went through to get here. It may be a very difficult year, but I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING!

Here's a picture of my classroom now, so you can get a peek inside where I spend all my time:

Tune in next time, for a look at some of my organization and clutter tips!

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