Monday, December 14, 2015

My Classroom of Chaos

Hey everyone! Thanks for tuning in again!
     As mentioned in my previous post, I was hired 2 days before school started. It's taken me SO long to get my classroom all set up, so that everything flows nicely, and I feel organized. I started the year off with a completely different set-up and classroom management system than I have now. When I started the year, I had two days to set up my room. When I first showed up, the teacher who left had almost everything set up already. However, there was still a TON I needed to do. There were no bulletin boards, no decorations, no color! Anyone who knows me knows I like some color! Thanks to my wonderful mom and boyfriend, I was able to have everything functional when I showed up as Miss Coleman on that first Monday! I've made changes to it throughout the school year, until I finally feel like it's where I want it to be...for the most part. With the students I have right now, I have a hard time keeping supplies organized (they are the messiest--and sometimes laziest--kids I've ever met). I love them all to pieces, but any tips on keeping their stuff organized more would be greatly appreciated! My label maker is already my best friend, they just disregard all my labels!

     I've tried the following (some work, some don't, so I give you what I use each item for, rate them on a scale of 1-10 after each):
  • 3-drawer plastic organizer--The rules were that only the people on the end are allowed to go in them, unless it's Daily 5 and they need their book, in which case anyone can access it. I use the top drawer for their reading books (because when they kept them in their desk, they'd pull them out in the middle of me teaching and read). The middle drawer is where they keep their vocabulary workbooks and read-aloud books/packets. The bottom drawer is where they keep their social studies/science workbooks and textbooks (whichever we're working on). 
    • I'd give it an 7, because it the bottom 2 drawers work pretty great.
    • The flaws are that they don't follow the rule that only the 2 closest to the drawer can go in it (to minimize who the amount of movement in the room), and they still think they can get up anytime to get their reading book--EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF MY LESSONS! Any suggestions on getting that to stop?
  • Utility caddy on top of drawers--I use this to store their glue sticks, crayons, whiteboard markers, scissors, and highlighters. These kids are MESSSSY! When they had it all in their desks they'd lose it. When they needed to find it all of the contents of their desks would fall out, and frankly, I just didn't have time for them to be reorganizing their desks when we were supposed to get started...especially if it was taking away from their small group/partner work.
    • I'd give it an 8.5, because it helps them in finding what they need.
    • The flaws are that they still don't keep them organized. I tried labeling what's supposed to go in each section of the caddy, but they just throw it wherever they can find room. I'm so organized and particular that it drives me nuts, and I fix it at the end of the day. I think I may add that to the job of Desk Inspector, so they do it, not me. I have enough other jobs at the end of the day.
  • Turn-in bins: These are phenomenal. I have one for each of the subjects: Social Studies/Science, Math, Writing, and Reading. They're each labelled, so they know exactly where it's supposed to go, according to the subject.
    • I'd give it a 9 overall. (I know, I just said it's phenomenal...why not a 10?) I told kids are a challenge! Nothing can just go smoothly in here. If they have a test they're finished with, and I tell them to hand it in, they always say "which bin do I hand it in to?" Hmm...let me's a math test. Put it in the social studies bin! Oh my lanta! THE MATH BIN! No, I don't actually say this, but I think it! I need to make room for an "extras" bin, because I sometimes just have little assignments that need handed in. I'm just lacking the space for it right now! 

I think that'll be about it for now. I'd love to hear if you use any of these organization strategies, or what you use in your class! What worked? What didn't work?

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