Friday, March 11, 2016

More classroom organization ideas!

To add onto my second last post about classroom organization ideas, I have some other things I am doing, or have tried, on this post.
  • This is my classroom lunch counter. This has been a HUGE help! Thanks to pinterest, my mom thought of using a cookie tray and magnets to hold the lunch count. This was one of the quickest and easiest things I've ever made, and it was also a huge help! The first day of school, each student got a number. (I should have waited to assign numbers until the first day, because I had 3 students never show up, and then it left gaps in my numbering system. I gave them to the new students, but then it wasn't in alphabetical order anymore, and it drives me a little crazy). 
    • Overall, I'd give it a 10! While most of my students forget to make a lunch choice (no idea HOW...I could NEVER forget lunch!) it does make it easy for the lunch counter to call who needs to pick yet. I always have one students, no matter what, who forgets to make her lunch choice in the morning. The lunch monitor just calls her number (and whoever else forgets that day) and she quickly chooses a lunch. This is also a big help for me, because I can check who is absent this way. If someone didn't choose a lunch I can check their cubby to see if they're here or not. It cuts down on time calling names or checking desks for attendance (especially since first thing in the morning a lot of students use the bathroom, are working on Calendar Math, or are at ESL class, and I can't keep track of them all). I am going to make a prettier board for next year, but this one has been amazing this year, and I love it!
  • One of my favorite inventions in the history of EVER! No really...LIFE SAVER! This is my "choice board," and I use it to fill with activities for the students when they finish ANYTHING. 
    • Overall, I'd give it an 8. It is time consuming to figure out what activities to put in. I change them out every month, so the kids don't get sick of the same activities. I get each activity printed on the color paper of the bin it corresponds to. (spelling is on red paper, reading on orange, SS on yellow, etc). I think this will be easier to do next year, because I can repeat all of the activities I did this year. I think I'll also make an answer booklet, because SO many of the kids ask me to check their answers, and I just don't have the time of day to do it. Especially when I have 55 kiddos doing these activities.
    • Flaws: I have one girl who does ALL 9 activities within the first couple of days they're out. So then she wants new ones by the end of the first week. Sorry, but I don't have time for that. It's also a hassle to get them all copied, because we have to send out for copies by hand. However, we are going to an electronic copy request by the end of the year, so that'll be nice. The copy center also runs out of some of the paper colors I need, so they print it on whatever they want. That throws me off when putting them in the bins, but it's not too bad. I also have a motivation issue. Some of my students would rather read when they finish. I have no problem with that, except that then they keep reading while I'm trying to teach. I sometimes MAKE them do the choice board activities (because I don't want the paper wasted...even though I do save the leftovers for next year). There are definitely some improvements I'll make on the choice board for next year, but I'll have more time for that as I have a whole summer to prepare!
  • Another part of our morning routine is taking down any notes. This notes board has been great! It's right inside the door, so it's usually the first thing they see. They can put lunch money, office notes, absentee slips, or any PTO forms on here. Then, they go in the envelope, and it goes down to the office (with lunch count).
    • Once again, my so-called "great" invention is getting an 8. Purely because my messenger always forgets their job, and doesn't take the envelope down. I sort of expect that to be done in the morning, because of how far into the school year we are. But no...I get a call around 9:10, and I look at the notes board, and there hangs our envelope. They have to laugh because I now know just to say "it's on its way" without even saying "Hello, Miss Coleman's room!" At least our office staff is patient with me. My messenger is getting better at this, but when we switch it can be hard drilling into them the importance of their job. One day, my classroom will run smoothly (probably the last week of school...LOL!).

On a separate note, I just got accepted into graduate school this past week! I've put in a couple of different applications, so I'm waiting to hear back from other places before making any decisions. I got accepted into my undergraduate alma mater (go blue jays!) but it's not as flexible as I'd like it to be. So I'm still going to wait and see, and not rush into making a decision.

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Winter Break!

     It's amazing what can be accomplished over one break! As you all know, I was hired two days before the beginning of school, so I have never had a long time to sit down and plan out what I was doing. Often times, I would plan over the weekend for the whole week, or even the night before. I know, it's awful that I don't spend as much time lesson planning as I should, but the time just isn't there. When there's grading, conferences, meetings, and after-school activities going on, the amount of free time I have is very limited. I also have an hour drive to and from school, so two hours (if I don't hit any traffic) of every day is spent in the car. 
     Basically, this winter break has been an amazing stress-reliever. I've gotten so much work done for school, that I finally feel like I can breathe again! I found some amazing 4th grade resources for ELA on TPT, and can't wait to try them out. I'm hoping this will be a big leap in my success as a teacher, and my students will become more responsive to me as this trimester continues on. I have put in a lot of hard work this break to have some great, engaging, involved resources for my students, and I hope they love them and respond to them as much as I can imagine!
     I know this was a quick update, but I'm getting back to planning and enjoying my last day of break! Where has the time gone?!
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Monday, December 14, 2015

My Classroom of Chaos

Hey everyone! Thanks for tuning in again!
     As mentioned in my previous post, I was hired 2 days before school started. It's taken me SO long to get my classroom all set up, so that everything flows nicely, and I feel organized. I started the year off with a completely different set-up and classroom management system than I have now. When I started the year, I had two days to set up my room. When I first showed up, the teacher who left had almost everything set up already. However, there was still a TON I needed to do. There were no bulletin boards, no decorations, no color! Anyone who knows me knows I like some color! Thanks to my wonderful mom and boyfriend, I was able to have everything functional when I showed up as Miss Coleman on that first Monday! I've made changes to it throughout the school year, until I finally feel like it's where I want it to be...for the most part. With the students I have right now, I have a hard time keeping supplies organized (they are the messiest--and sometimes laziest--kids I've ever met). I love them all to pieces, but any tips on keeping their stuff organized more would be greatly appreciated! My label maker is already my best friend, they just disregard all my labels!

     I've tried the following (some work, some don't, so I give you what I use each item for, rate them on a scale of 1-10 after each):
  • 3-drawer plastic organizer--The rules were that only the people on the end are allowed to go in them, unless it's Daily 5 and they need their book, in which case anyone can access it. I use the top drawer for their reading books (because when they kept them in their desk, they'd pull them out in the middle of me teaching and read). The middle drawer is where they keep their vocabulary workbooks and read-aloud books/packets. The bottom drawer is where they keep their social studies/science workbooks and textbooks (whichever we're working on). 
    • I'd give it an 7, because it the bottom 2 drawers work pretty great.
    • The flaws are that they don't follow the rule that only the 2 closest to the drawer can go in it (to minimize who the amount of movement in the room), and they still think they can get up anytime to get their reading book--EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF MY LESSONS! Any suggestions on getting that to stop?
  • Utility caddy on top of drawers--I use this to store their glue sticks, crayons, whiteboard markers, scissors, and highlighters. These kids are MESSSSY! When they had it all in their desks they'd lose it. When they needed to find it all of the contents of their desks would fall out, and frankly, I just didn't have time for them to be reorganizing their desks when we were supposed to get started...especially if it was taking away from their small group/partner work.
    • I'd give it an 8.5, because it helps them in finding what they need.
    • The flaws are that they still don't keep them organized. I tried labeling what's supposed to go in each section of the caddy, but they just throw it wherever they can find room. I'm so organized and particular that it drives me nuts, and I fix it at the end of the day. I think I may add that to the job of Desk Inspector, so they do it, not me. I have enough other jobs at the end of the day.
  • Turn-in bins: These are phenomenal. I have one for each of the subjects: Social Studies/Science, Math, Writing, and Reading. They're each labelled, so they know exactly where it's supposed to go, according to the subject.
    • I'd give it a 9 overall. (I know, I just said it's phenomenal...why not a 10?) I told kids are a challenge! Nothing can just go smoothly in here. If they have a test they're finished with, and I tell them to hand it in, they always say "which bin do I hand it in to?" Hmm...let me's a math test. Put it in the social studies bin! Oh my lanta! THE MATH BIN! No, I don't actually say this, but I think it! I need to make room for an "extras" bin, because I sometimes just have little assignments that need handed in. I'm just lacking the space for it right now! 

I think that'll be about it for now. I'd love to hear if you use any of these organization strategies, or what you use in your class! What worked? What didn't work?

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Friday, December 11, 2015

How did I get where I am?

So I've had a lot of questions since I started teaching at my school, about how I got there. I live over an hour away from my school, and commute there and back (through traffic) everyday. They always say... "you must LOVE what you do to drive that far everyday." I do. Amid the craziness and chaos of this classroom, I still love it!

Basically, as a senior in college, I was a MAJOR ball of stress! When I was student teaching, I just loved it so much. I felt like I wanted to be a professional student teacher. Granted, I was excited for my own classroom, but having someone there as back-up was a relief sometimes. I student taught in the fall, so by mid-december, I was basically finished with college. I had 3 classes my final semester (one being aerobics) so I had a lot of free time. Free time for me means stress time! The day I got back from winter vacation I began looking for jobs for the fall. I know...overkill? Looking back, yes. There are better things I could have spent my time on, but maybe I wouldn't be where I am today if I wasn't that crazy stressful person!

So, I applied online for my current district in March (I'm told that's really early for jobs to be posted, but I checked every district within a 2-county radius of my home). I heard back from them VERY quickly, and had my first interview by the end of April. They told me they only do second round interviews mid-July to early August. If I didn't hear back from them, it would probably be the end of it. So, as the end of college and all of summer rolled by, I had about 50 total interviews. I did lesson demonstrations, and countless times was down to the last 2 people. Every single time, I didn't win out. I taught my heart out, but they other person always did better, or had some way of getting the job. Then, I got a call from an administrator at this district! They had some last-minute retirements, and 3 new jobs opened up. I was qualified for ALL of them, and they wanted to interview me the next day! So I went the following day for an interview.

After about a week, I didn't hear from them, so I basically gave up. I was at work on a Friday, and got a call from my current principal, Mr. B. He got my name from the other administrators I interviewed with, for an opening he had. The opening was for a computer teacher who decided she was retiring VERY last minute. It was full-time, salaried, with benefits. So I thought...why not at least interview. What's the worst that could happen? So the following Monday, I went for my interview. My car at the time didn't have air conditioning, so I showed up sweaty, with sweat-lines on my dress, my hair frizzy, and overall frazzled. I thought that was a bad omen, but turns I'd find out later on, I was wrong!

I was told I'd hear back from them the following day (which was their first induction day for new teachers) or Wednesday. I didn't, so I lost all hope again. Finally, on Wednesday around 3pm, I got a call from Mr. B, who said "We'd like to offer you a job. We can't tell you what yet, but don't accept anywhere else, because we really want you!" Me? You want ME to teach computer? Something I've NEVER even considered teaching before?

I don't think I showered or left my phone after that call, not knowing when he'd call back. FINALLY, on Friday, I got the best call of my entire life. "One of our fourth grade teachers decided to become the computer teacher, so we'd like to offer you a fourth grade teaching position." My heart started beating SO fast! That was my DREAM grade to teach. That was the grade I student taught in, and many of my field placements in college were in a 4th grade classroom. I couldn't have been more excited! I did get nervous that I only had 2 days to prepare an entire classroom AND be ready to teach Monday. However, I have the most AMAZING coworkers. They all helped me SO much in getting ready, by putting my names in all my books, organizing my shelves, etc. My mom and boyfriend were the best help, by creating my bulletin boards for me. I don't even remember doing ANYTHING those 2 days...I think I was just floating on clouds and soaking in the fact that I was a teacher, and THIS was my classroom.

It was a LONG, and very difficult journey. I couldn't have done it without the support I received, especially after all of the interviews and denials I went through to get here. It may be a very difficult year, but I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING!

Here's a picture of my classroom now, so you can get a peek inside where I spend all my time:

Tune in next time, for a look at some of my organization and clutter tips!

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hello teacher-blog world!

Hello friends! I'm excited to be entering the blogging world! I am starting this blog as an outlet for my teaching excitement and stressors. I've always used other people as an outlet, to get out my stories (both good and bad). To introduce myself, I'm a first-year teacher who graduated in May! I feel very lucky to have gotten a job my first year out of college, especially in the district I'm in, but it didn't come without its fair struggles! But I'll save that for my next blog post...stay tuned!

So here goes my Q&A, so you can get to know me a little better!

Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?
A: I have always dreamed of being a wedding planner! I want to be with people on the happiest day of their life. There's nothing I love more than a good love story...EXCEPT helping kiddos. So that led me to teaching, which is my passion. Now I just attend weddings and stalk wedding blogs, and that fills my need!

Q: What are your hobbies?
A:  I love cooking and baking! My pinterest boards are FILLED to the brim with recipes that I've tried, or recipes I'd like to try. Also, when not up to my eyeballs in grading, planning, or creating (which rarely happens) I enjoy reading! I love everything from biographies to young adult books (so I can make good recommendations) to the romance novels and mysteries.

Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  When I was growing up, I told my mom I'd be a teacher during the school year, and a vet over the summers. A small part of me still wishes that was possible! I love helping dogs, so I plan on fostering when I have my own place. I'm currently the mom of one rescue dog, and my mom has one rescue, and one other dog (who is my rescue's brother...small world)!

Q: What are your guilty pleasures?
A: Pinterest! I tell myself all the time that I'm going to sit down on pinterest for two minutes. Two hours later, I'm finally done! I pin everything from quotes, to teaching tools, to gift ideas, to planning parties, to new outfits, and everything in between. I spend the most time planning new foods to try. If you have any ideas, or recipes you've tried and liked, I'd love to hear it! I also have an addiction to Starbucks Coffee. My kiddos all found out pretty quickly that coffee lets me think...without it, I do some silly things! My third "addiction" if you will, is chevron. It's all over my classroom, and I am just obsessed. I'm sure you've already noticed it on my blog, and this is only the first post!

Q: What is your biggest fear?!
A: My biggest fear is drunk drivers. I'm one of the most cautious drivers I know. I always think it's important to drive safely, because the lives of everyone else around you depends on it. However, nothing can save you from a drunk driver. Crazy stuff happens around them! It's not like they have a blinking light above their car that tells you their you just can never be prepared! I'm afraid to be in an accident with one of them, because they always seem so life-threatening. I'm also afraid of someone I love being in an accident with them.

Q: When you’re on vacation, where do you like to go?
A: Vacation? What is that? I haven't been on a real vacation in a long time, but I'd love to go to the Finger Lakes, Thousand Islands, or Niagara Falls! Of course, I also love the beach, and have always dreamed of going to a tropical island somewhere!

Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: Everything happens for a reason! As long as I can remember, my mom has drilled that into me. Of course, every time something happens that makes me think my life is over, she says it to me. I ALWAYS disagree, and tell her there's no reason I should be going through with what I am. Whether it had been boys breaking my heart, "friends" being bad friends, family problems, death of a loved one, or what have you. You name it, I've experienced it. When I look back on my life though, everything did happen for a reason. I'm where I am-and who I am-today because of each and every one of those experiences. Now I know when a curveball is thrown, it's happening for a reason. I might not know what the reason is right away, but one day I'll look back and understand.

Q: What do you value most in others?
A:  Manners. I'll just leave it at that.

Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass down to your kids, what would it be?
A: Be kind to everyone you meet. It might frustrate you sometimes, and it might be hard, but others will notice and appreciate it.

Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world….living or dead…who would it be?
A: I would want to have lunch with one of my college professors, because she had such a big impact on me, and I'd love to personally thank her for changing my life and making me the teacher I am today. *Shout-out to Dr. go girl!*

Q: Now tell us one random thing about yourself:
A: I have always had a love for writing, so that's why I started this blog. Let's face'll probably be one of the things I try out for a little while, and then move on to something else. But I have my whole heart into this right now, so any encouragement to keep going would be greatly appreciated!